If you are a driver in Florida state, you could receive harsh penalties for driving under the influence, penalties that can affect both, your license and your auto insurance, so today, we explain to you how a DUI affects your auto insurance in Florida.
In each state, you will find different ways to identify the offense. Some apply both DUI and DWI to their laws, while in other states, there are statutes that apply to operating a vehicle under the influence (OUI).
Regardless of the terminology, driving under the influence can have serious consequences, and Florida is one of the states with the toughest DUI laws in the country. However, at Veneville Insurance, we have the experience and desire to help overcome these issues.
Is there a difference between DWI and DUI in Florida?
On the one hand, DWI is the acronym for “Driving While Impaired” (driving while intoxicated). On the other hand, DUI is the acronym for “Driving Under the Influence” (driving under the influence). This is, the term DUI refers to driving under the influence, while the term DWI refers to driving while intoxicated. They both mean the same thing.
In Florida, the driving laws do not include the term DWI or OUI in their statutes.
However, Florida driving laws only cover DUI or driving under the influence.
It’s worth noting that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 316.193 of the Florida Statutes, it’s considered that a person has been driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages, harmful chemical substances, or controlled substances, when said consumption impairs their faculties. Penalties will depend on each particular circumstance.
How can a DUI affect my Auto Insurance in Florida?
If you are convicted of DUI in Florida, the cost of your auto insurance policy will likely increase. This is because, after the DUI conviction, you must have certain minimum insurance coverage for a period of time of 3 years. Unfortunately for your finances, this increase is in addition to paying DHSMV administrative fees, DUI school, court costs, and legal representation costs.
Generally, the increase in auto insurance after a DUI in Florida is lower than the average for the rest of the states in the country.
Additionally, it may happen that your insurance company cancels your insurance coverage, so you will have to find a new insurance company.
Please note, in Florida, if a driver is convicted of DUI and their license is suspended, they may need an FR-44 form to reinstate their license. That is, he requires a financial responsibility document that proves that he has purchased car insurance. It is the mechanism the state requires to prove that the driver has automobile insurance before the driver’s license is reinstated. The FR-44 is similar to the SR-22, except the liability coverage requirements for an FR-44 are much higher.
Can my policy be canceled if I am convicted of DUI?
The answer is yes. In Florida, insurers have the legal right to cancel your policy when you are convicted of DUI if your motor vehicle license or registration has been suspended or revoked. Likewise, it is indicated that the insurance company must issue a notice for at least 45 days before canceling the policy.
How to get good and cheap car insurance in Florida with a DUI?
We’re not going to kid you, it’s hard to get cheap auto insurance after a DUI conviction. Certainly, the insurance will be more expensive.
Although there is no insurance company offering cheap DUI auto insurance, there are a variety of options. This is because prices vary substantially depending on the insurer.
Therefore, it is important that you investigate very well all insurance possibilities. Compare the different coverages and prices of auto insurance policies with DUI available online. Also, contact your current insurer and ask them to advise you. The idea is that you compare the offers offered by the market until you find the option that you consider most reasonable.
We recommend you read our article about the different ways to save with auto insurance in Florida.
Final Words
In closing, keep in mind that while insurance companies don’t constantly check their customers’ driving records, they do check regularly. If you don’t report your DUI conviction on time, the consequences could be very negative.
Although in Florida there are severe penalties for those who drive under the influence, no matter where you live, driving under the influence of alcohol, harmful chemicals, or controlled substances, is a crime, you threaten your life, against the lives of others, and you could be punished with serious consequences.
The insurance agents at Veneville Insurance fully understand all the requirements and can advise you on how a DUI affects auto insurance in Florida and offer you the best options.
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