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9 Great Steps to Take in a Florida Car Accident

At Veneville we want you to never have a car accident in Florida. However, an unpleasant automobile event could happen to you at any time. That’s why it’s vital that you know the proper steps to protect yourself, especially since Florida is a no-fault state.

Unfortunately, even if you are a careful and responsible driver, the possibility of having an auto accident in Florida is real. There are over 15 million licensed drivers in Florida!

Knowing what to do after a Florida car accident will help you keep yourself and your passengers safe, comply with the law, and file your insurance claim.

Plus, by driving in Florida with quality coverage like the one we offer in Veneville, you’ll have protection and peace of mind.

9 steps to take if you have a car accident in Florida

We recommend that you read the following steps carefully and put them into practice, no matter how difficult the car accident is. Continue reading and find out what to do after an auto accident in Florida.

1. Stop your car and get to safety

Whenever you can stop the car as soon as possible, calm down and analyze the situation. If you are not injured, but the car is blocking traffic, move it to a safe place close to the accident.

Florida’s law requires drivers to stay near the scene of the accident until they have exchanged information with the other drivers involved or until cleared by a police officer (Read the following steps). You need to get to safety, so if you are not injured, but cannot move the car, leave it where it is and go to a safe place.

2. Check for injuries

Check your physical condition and then, if you can move, check the passengers and the other drivers involved for injuries. If you or someone else is injured, call 911 for help or have someone else make the call. Wait until medical help arrives.

Verify your health status well, because even if you feel good, you could have an injury. Keep in mind that according to Florida car accident laws, you only have two weeks from the event to receive compensation from your personal injury protection (PIP) policy. Keep an eye out for possible injuries and make a record of all symptoms.

3. Call 911

Whether injured people or not, whether it’s a minor fender-bender or a major collision, you should call the police. The Florida officers will make an auto accident report, which may be requested by the insurer. If the police cannot go, we recommend that you make a report at the nearest police station.

Give the 911 operator as much detail as you can about the location of the auto accident and the injuries to yourself or others.

4. Stay at the Scene

Do not leave the accident site. Florida car accident laws state that you must immediately report any car accident in Florida that results in personal injury or death, results in $500 or more in property damage, involves a drunk driver, or a hit-and-run.

It is difficult to know the extent of the damage, and injuries are sometimes detected the next day. If you decide to leave, you could be facing severe legal consequences.

5. Wait for help

Turn off your engine, turn on your hazard lights, and use the road flares in your emergency car kit to warn other vehicles to slow down.

Wait for help but, beware of bandit tow trucks, warns the National Insurance Crime Bureau. These are tow truck drivers you didn’t call who pull over and offer to help. It could be a scam.

6. Exchange information

Be careful! Never apologize or admit fault when talking to other drivers, passengers, or witnesses. It is important that when you talk to the other driver to exchange information, you avoid long conversations. Just ask if there are any injuries and the information listed below. Do not apologize in any way, as anything you say could become an admission of guilt and could be used against you. Also, we suggest you stay away from social media.

According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), you should make every effort to obtain the following information.

  • The contact information of all the people involved in the accident (Names, telephone numbers, emails).
  • Also, if there are witnesses who witnessed the accident, talk to them and ask if they want to give you their names and contact information. You could even record, with your mobile phone, their story about how the events occurred.
  • Data of the other vehicles involved (Driver’s license, car registration, insurance identification card). Also, record the makes and models of your cars involved.

7. Document your car accident in Florida

Likewise, the III recommends that you document everything you can about the scene.

  • The exact location of the accident, including areas or places of reference.
  • Date and Time.
  • Weather conditions.
  • Road conditions.
  • Reckless actions that you have noticed in the other driver before the accident.
  • Skid marks.
  • If it’s safe to do so, take photos of the accident and the entire scene. Even, if you can, record a video with sound.

8. Identify the officers

Once police officers arrive, record the name and badge number of all officers who arrived at the scene of the accident.

Also, ask them for a copy of the accident report or ask them how to get one.

9. Notify your insurer agent and start the claims process

If possible and you are still at the scene of the accident, contact your insurance agent after obtaining all the information listed above. Thus, you will obtain a guide of everything you need to start the claim process, and you will have time to obtain any information that you have overlooked.

In case you cannot, we suggest you call him as soon as possible.

Then, your insurer will decide, based on the repair cost, whether to reimburse those costs after you pay a deductible or to consider your vehicle totaled.

If it is an accident with minimal consequences, you can decide not to call the insurer. However, you must be completely sure that there are no personal injuries or hidden faults with the car that could affect your finances.

Final words

Definitely, being prepared and knowing in advance how to act in the event of a car accident in Florida is your best option.

Do not be afraid to file the claim, thinking about the future increase in the cost of insurance.

Keep in mind that if there are expensive damages or injuries involved, insurance will undoubtedly help your financial health.

Better to be safe than sorry!

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